Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Almost 15 years to the day is how long we were in our 'House on the Hill'.  June 4, 1996 Steve and I moved into our dream home on 6+ acres of land in Coffeeville.  We had some fabulous times there.  Turned the house into a home and loved every minute we spent there, but...  15 years do make a difference and as Steve puts it, "That place just outgrew us".  So...  We made the decision to downsize and here we are.  One week shy of our 15th anniversary in Coffeeville we spent the first night in our new home.  It has been bitter-sweet for sure, but from the first time I walked in this house I felt that it would be a very comfortable home for us and so far it has been.  We have been steadily moving things over (and will be for weeks to come) and with each load this becomes more like HOME.  We have had to cull and give up some things-that comes with downsizing-but one thing is for sure...  We still USE OUR GOOD DISHES!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see the new house! i sure am going to miss your old one though. like you said, many great memories! i hope uncle howard is up for hosting all the big parties!
